Registration and Check in – Gathering Space of Church.
Bilingual Morning Prayer – Msgr. David LeSieur in the Worship Space
Break/Concessions and Vendors – Gathering Space and Gym
Speaker Presentation # 1
Speaker (English): Sherry Weddell – Topic: Sent by the Spirit to Bear Fruit (in the Gym)
Speaker (Espanol): Jesse Romero – Topic: Que es la oracion y los tipos de la oracion (in the Worship Space)
Break / Concessions and Vendors Available in the Gathering Space and Gym
Speaker Presentation # 2
Speaker (English): Sherry Weddell – Topic: Thresholds of Pre-Discipleship (in the Gym)
Speaker (Espanol): Jesse Romero – Topic: Como protegerte del diablo (in the Worship Space)
Lunch – With Music Celebration in the Cafeteria and Gym
Meet & Greet with Presenters / Book Signing
Speaker (English): Sherry Weddell in the Foyer of School
Speaker (Espanol): Jesse Romero in the Gathering Space
Music Presentation:
“We Are Called” to sing / “¡Somos Llamados!” a cantar – Bilingual in Worship Space
Speaker Presentation Session #3
Speaker in English: Sherry Weddell Topic: Charisms; Gifts of the Spirit for the Life of the world (in the Gym)
Speaker (Español): Jesse Romero – Topic: Los beneficios de ir a misa y la oracion (in the Worship Space)
Break / Vendors and Concessions in the Gathering Space and the Gym
Speaker Presentation # 4 – Questions / Answers
Speaker (English): Sherry Weddell Topic – Charisms: Discernment for Ministry Leaders – (in the Gym)
Speaker (Español): Jesse Romero Topic – Contestando los hermanos separados con la biblia – (in the SVDP Hall)
Bilingual Choir practice for closing Mass – (Worship Space)
Break / Last Chance for Vendors in Gathering Space & Gym
Ozark Catholic Conference Closing Mass – Celebrant; Msgr. David LeSieur with Music Composers; Dolores Gomez and Lourdes Montgomery
Cost of the Conference is $25. Our three composers are also offering a free concert Friday night before the conference on August 4th from 7 PM – 8:30 PM.